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  • What are the advantages of the digital computer?

    10 July 2009

    In a very general way, it can be said that the advantages of the digital computer compared to the analog computer,I are its greater flexibility and precision, while its disadvantages are its higher cost and complexity. Information storage can be easier...

  • Charles Babbage

    10 July 2009

    Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1792, in London. He studied at Trinity College, and became a professor of Mathematics at the Cambridge University. The idea of mechanically calculating mathematical tables first came to Babbage in 1812 or 1813....

  • Abacus

    07 July 2009

    Abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily by Asians for performing arithmetic processes. Today, abaci are often constructed as a wooden frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beads or stones moved...

  • What is the difference between a calculator and a computer?

    07 July 2009

    Calculator We know that a calculator works with numbers. So does a computer. We also know that calculators are very fast... so ar computers. So what is the difference between them? To put it very simply, calculators can do only one thing a time. When...

  • ‘Ancient Computer!

    07 July 2009

    Ancient computer T he Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical calculator designed to calculate astronomical positions. It is also described as the first 'mechanical computer'. It was discovered more than 100 years ago in a Roman shipwreck, and...

  • Why is the punched card machine so important?

    10 July 2009

    Before the age of computers, automatic data processing was handled mainly by punched card machines. What is punched card? You must have seen a bus conductor punching a hole in your ticket at a specific place. This is to indicate the stage at which you...

  • Who invented the first mechanical calculator?

    10 July 2009

    Mechanical calculator Braise Pascal, noted mathematician, thinker, and scientist, built the first mechanical calculator in 1642.Hismachine used gears, wheels and dials. When the wheels were turned in the proper order, a series of numbers were entered...


    10 July 2009

    ENIAC short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer was the first general-purpose electronic computer. When it was finished, the ENIAC filled the entire room. Weighted thirty tons, and consumed two hundred kilowatts of power. It generated so...

  • Why are second generation computer (1956-1963 important?

    10 July 2009

    Transistors replaced the vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947, but was not widely used in computers until the late 50s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers...

  • Why is Charles Babbage so important in the history of computers?

    10 July 2009

    The first devise that might be considered to be a computer in modern sense of the worked was conceived in 1822 by the British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage.In Babbage's time, mathematical tables were calculated by teems of mathematicians...


    10 July 2009

    The UNIVAC I which stands for Universal Automatic Computer I, was the first commercial computer made in the United States. As well as being the first American commercial computer, the UNIVAC I was the first American computer designed at the outset for...

  • Fourth generation computers

    10 July 2009

    In the fourth generation computer, thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip, and the microprocessor was introduced. What filled an entire room in the first generation computer would now fit in the palm of the hand! Microprocessors...

  • What is the difference between an analog and digital computer?

    10 July 2009

    All computers, whether mechanical or electronic, can be divided into two distinct classes, depending on the form in which information is handled. If the information is handled in the form of letters or digits, they are classed as digital computers. If...

  • What is hybrid computer?

    10 July 2009

    Hybrid computers are computers that have features of both analogue and digital computers. They accept analogue signals, convert them to digital signals, and process them in digital form. A hybrid computer system setup offers a cost-effective method of...

  • colossus computer

    10 July 2009

    The Colossus was a giant computer built by the British Secret Service during Word War II. An engineer called Tommy Flowers built it, and used vacuum tubes to perform the calculations. Colossus computers were used by the British to break the German codes....

  • What are first generation computers?

    10 July 2009

    I n first generation computers (1945-1956) the operating instructions or programs were specifically built for the task for which the computer was manufactured. They relied on machine language to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem...

  • Personal Computer

    10 July 2009

    A Personal computer is small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. It uses the microprocessor technology that enables manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip. Today a personal computer or PC may be a desktop computer,...

  • What are the specialties of third generation computers (1963-1971)

    10 July 2009

    The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips or integrated circuits, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency o computers. Punched...

  • Welcome to Overblog!

    07 July 2009

    This automated message is the first article of your blog. It will help you get started with Overblog. You can edit or delete it by going to the "Publish" section of your administration page. Hope you'll enjoy blogging with us! The Overblog team PS: In...

  • Computerage

    07 July 2009

    Our modern age has been called the computer age, and today, computers can carry out almost all the tasks that humans require. These may vary from writing to space travel!! Computers can remember vast amounts of information, and they make very few mistakes....